Before you can put your data to good use, you need to understand its story. The deeper story is often found in the connections between data points and events. Here are some ways that we can humanize our data for better insights:
The deeper story is often found in the connections between data.
The deeper story is often found in the connections between data.
In order to find it, you need to look beyond your data and see how it relates to other parts of your organization or industry. If you’re looking at data from one department or team, try connecting it with other departments or teams that might have something different to say about what’s happening.
Humanize your data for better insights.
When it comes to Big Data, there’s a lot of data out there. And that can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be! If you’re looking for insights into what is happening in your business or organization, here are some tips:
- The first step is knowing what information you want from your data and where it lives (e.g., database).
- Once this is determined, try breaking down the problem into smaller ones so that when solutions are found they will be easier for others (or even yourself) understand later on down the road if needed again later on during another project/task/etcetera…
Connect data points to create more meaningful relationships
Connecting data points will help you see the deeper story. In order to do this, you need to think about how each piece of data can be connected with another piece of information. This allows you to make sense of seemingly unrelated information and uncover patterns that might not be apparent at first glance. For example, let’s say we have two pieces of data:
- A list of people who have visited our website in the last month (visitors)
- A list of those same visitors’ favorite pages on our site (top pages).
Create a story with your data.
To create a story with your data, you need to connect the dots. You can do this by looking at the relationships between different variables in your dataset and finding patterns that aren’t obvious at first glance.
For example: let’s say you have a list of people who have bought shoes from your online store over the past six months. What might those purchases tell us about our customers? Are they more likely than average consumers to buy jeans or t-shirts as well? Do they tend toward particular brands of clothing? Or maybe they prefer certain styles of shoes (heels versus flats)?
Humanizing your data will help you find the deeper story behind it
To find the deeper story behind your data, you need to humanize it.
The key is connecting the dots between each of your data points and creating a narrative around them that tells a clear, cohesive story. This isn’t always an easy task–and it can take time–but it’s important because people are more likely to listen when they know how you feel about something or why you think something happened in a certain way.
When we’re working with clients who want help finding answers from their data but aren’t sure where exactly those answers lie, we often ask them two questions: 1) What would happen if this trend continued? 2) How does this information make them feel? These questions help us understand what kinds of stories are being told by their numbers (and whether or not those stories match up).
The deeper story is often found in the connections between data. Humanizing your data for better insights will help you find the deeper story behind it.
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